SuperMap iMobile 10i(2020) SP1 for Android New Features

Newly added features in history versions

AR Function

  • Optimized the display of the app on a tablet.
  • Optimized the resolution of AR.


  • You are allowed to set the transparent filling for region objects drawn on a dynamic layer.
  • Supports the projection coordinate system WGS_1984/Web_Mercator.
  • Fixed the bug that the app can't display lines completely when importing dwg to udb.
  • Fixed the bug that region objects have some offsets when drawing objects on a dynamic layer.

3D Features

  • Supports loading WMS service and OpenStreetMap service.
  • Supports overlaying voxel raster and 3D model caches.
  • Supports skyline analyses (GPU).
  • Supports elevation analyses.
  • The feature Fixed Point Observation allows the camera to orient to the target point automatically when it flying onto the observation point.
  • The new feature Selection Offset can translate models of selected IDs by a certain offset.


  • Supports Eclipse environment.